Big Rich’s Take On D&D Houserules

Hazard Mechanic: From D&D Next playtest – If a character fails a check, and the total of the check is at least 10 less than the DC, the character suffers some kind of disastrous effect.

Next Criticals: From D&D Next playtest – When rolling for critical damage, you first calculate the max damage possible then add that to your damage roll. So if your Longsword does 1d8+2 then max damage is 10 then you roll 1d8+2 more for total damage.

Higher DEX Tie-Breaker: On a tie with initiative, the character with the highest DEX score goes first.

Max HP: As a DM who constantly kills characters by accident, we make sure that characters always gain their max HP each level just like they do at First level.

Potions: Drinking or administering a potion is a Bonus Action rather than an Action.

Two-Weapon Fighting: If a character is using a Bonus Action to attack with a weapon in their off hand after having taken the Attack Action, we call that “Off Hand Attack” since there is a Feat frickin’ called Two-Weapon Fighting and it’s easy to confuse the two terms with the same freaking name.

Flanking: If we are using miniatures, flanking is greenlit. We’re cool with emulating Third edition here. If we’re using “Theatre of the Mind” we usually don’t use flanking.

No Floor Dice: If you roll your dice like a maniac and they fall on the floor, you need to reroll.

Chris Perkins Spell Law: As started by Perkins, if your character is casting a spell, have the Player’s Handbook open to the spell and be prepared to read it’s description aloud.


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