New Bretonnia Old World map

A new map segment for the Old World has appeared, this one featuring Bretonnia in more detail: Games Workshop are working very slowly towards a revival of the Old World setting they trashed in favour of Age of Sigmar. While I would love something to come out this week, I prefer they take their time […]

New Bretonnia Old World map


Two of my Beastmen


Gors form the great mass of the warherds. Their appearance varies but all combine bestial features with those of a man. They have the savage fangs of a wolf and muscular bodies both well suited to enacting the violence and warfare that they crave. To face a horde of Gors is to face anarchy and mayhem. Rowdy and undisciplined, they bray, bark and bawl an unceasing cacophony that fills the hearts of Men with dread.

Unit fillers (via Miniature Musings of a Bear)

He’s using filler, terrain, and open spaces to build large units of skaven. This is a good idea. I should have thought of this when I was building my Chaos Armies.

Unit fillers Just a quick update on some of the things I have been working recently!! and its all been a bit ratty…. Here are some unit fillers for my Skaven, as I have decided to be as cheap as possible and create large amounts of these to save me some money!!! I am hoping that most units will be a maximum of 50% filler, hopefully it should work well!! Next stuff planned is some squashed/zapped slaves! So Doomwheel across a unit or a ‘misfired’ cannon….. … Read More

via Miniature Musings of a Bear


Breaking slightly from Cygnar, I am working on one of my Wayfarer models.  This one missed getting done with my Druids and other Wayfarer because it was hiding in the deep, dark recesses of my Army Transport. All I have done with it right now is the basic basecoats.


Wayfarer #2

The Garden of Nurgle

I took a break from painting my WARMACHINE stuff to finish off some of my Nurgle army. I hope to use some of them for my Possessed warband if we start playing Mordheim again.

Charbok, I’m calling you out!

Break out the Mordheim! Do it! Now!

Anyway, I was reading about Nurgle and discovered some information about The Garden.

The Garden of Nurgle is Nurgle’s realm within the Warp.

This unwholesome realm is home to every pox and affliction imaginable and is alive with the stench of rot. This ‘garden’ is not a barren wasteland, but rather a macabre paradise of death and pestilence. A thick sheet of buzzing swarms of black, furry flies litter the sky, and twisted, rotten boughs entangled with grasping vines cover the mouldering ground, beneath an insect-ravaged canopy of leaves. Defiled fungi both plain and extraordinary break through the leaf-strewn mulch of the forest floor, puffing out vile clouds of spores. Muddy rivers slither across the bloated landscape. Nurgle’s Mansion of rotted timbers and broken walls resides at the heart of the garden; decrepit and ancient, yet eternally strong at its foundations. It is within these tumbling walls that Nurgle toils at his cauldron, a receptacle vast enough to contain all the oceans of the worlds of the galaxy.

Nurgle keeps his companion Isha trapped in a cage in the garden of Nurgle, in the corner of a room where he keeps the cauldron in which he creates all of his plagues. Being a goddess of healing, Isha can cure herself of any of Nurgle’s diseases. Nurgle takes advantage of this by force-feeding her his latest creation and sees how long it takes the goddess to overcome its effects. If he is pleased, he releases it upon some unsuspecting world, if not, he starts over, working at his cauldron until he has something new to give to his ‘companion’. Whilst he is busy working though, Isha takes advantage of his distraction to instruct mortals on how to rid themselves of Nurgle’s poxes.

When Nurgle’s power waxes, the Garden blooms, encroaching on the lands of the other Chaos Gods. Nurgle’s enemies would fight back, and the Plaguebearers would take up arms to defend it. Although the Garden will recede again, it would still have fed deeply on the essence of those who have fallen in such wars, and will lie in gestate peace until it is ready to bloom again.


May the sevenfold blessings of Nurgle be upon you today.