
I love all things Zombie. This is blamed entirely on George Ramero’s Night of the Living Dead from 1968.

Zombies are regularly encountered in horror and fantasy themed fiction and entertainment. They are typically depicted as mindless, shambling, decaying corpses with a hunger for human flesh, and in some cases, human brains in particular.

I’m gearing up for another “Kill the Zombies” senario for WARMACHINE and/or Mordheim. The last one we played involved Allister Caine and Asheth Magnus fighting their way out of an infested town full of mindless zombie Risen.

There is a really cool zombie scenario on Lost Hemisphere that you should really check out and use in a game. It’s on this page and called Night of the Risen Dead.


Zombie Hands Grabbing!

The dead have always walked among us, from the shambling corpses of Eastern European folklore to the drug-created zombie of Haitian voodoo. Now, in the post-atomic age, advanced science and globalization have increased the threat a thousandfold. Since World War II, the number of zombie outbreaks has increased every year, while governments desperately try to cover up the facts…

It is in light of this startling new trend that Osprey Publishing, world-renowned publisher of illustrated history titles, has turned its attention to the problem of battling the undead. Expert author Joseph McCullough sheds light on this horrifying subject, detailing the historical origins of the zombies that walk the earth, and following their history through to the threat they pose today.

The book releases in October, right before Halloween.