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It all began in 1385 with the death of the Goddess of Magic. The Weave became unstable and wild magic ravaged the Forgotten Realms.

The Spellplauge was an apocalyptic event in the history of Faerûn involving destruction and damage on an awesome and catatrophic scale. Huge swaths of the landscape were rent asunder. Entire nations were drowned, and large regions collapsed into the Underdark or were thrust up as spires of stone. Islands of rock called earthmotes drift through the sky. Weird towers and spires of stone jut from the landscape. Spectacular chasms and waterfalls abound.

Faerûn was forever changed.

Portions of Abeir have fused with Toril. The Spellplague raged even beyond planar boundaries, and Toril’s long-lost twin world, cut off for tens of millennia, was also caught up in the maelstrom. Large parts of Faerûn exchanged places with equivalent land masses on Abeir, bringing their populations with them. Across the Trackless Sea, an entire continent of the lost realm reappeared, now called Returned Abeir.

Although the Spellplague has largely run its course, its legacy lingers. Most mutants warped by the Spellplague have since died, but a few, known as the Plaguechanged, survive. Enduring pockets of unrestrained wild magic, known as plaguelands, lie scattered across Faerûn. Those who visit such areas and survive exhibit physical marks known as spellscars and often manifest bizarre abilities.

Faerûn is slowly recovering. Only the gods know what the future may hold.






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