We have been playing D&D 5e on Discord since March 2020 during the COVID-19 crisis. This scene is part of the fourth module in the series called “Midsummer Mayhem.” If you would like to read more about the Mawveth Chronicles series please visit the Campaign Page.

Sector 3

June 26, Steel City, The Greater Northlands.

Tal (4th level Human Wizard Enchanter stepped out of Building 865 in Zone C. The mid-morning sky was filled with clouds. A cool breeze was blowing gently from the East. It looked like rain but that fact did not deter Tal from his plans of visiting Sector 2.

He had been visiting the sector for the past five days, exploring the lay of the land and hanging out in a tavern called “The Kettle Black.” He had made a few allies within the Steel Society, Jank’s gang. It was clear that the gangers were unhappy with the current leadership of the city and it seemed they were biding their time until they could start a war with The Cult. Whispers were that they were already making tactical hits throughout the city: removing key people from th equation of their brewing rebellion.

Before Tal headed to the bridge gate, Mags reported to him that Mouse of the Brush Sage and Friendrat had gone into town last night and never returned. With that information shared, Tal suggested that Mags remain with the building, and she agreed. Three of the Ten Little Indianas were laying within their HQ in some kind of necromantic coma. They would need to be wary exploring Zone C without proper numbers or protection.

Tal walked along the highway leading from Zone C to to the Mechanics Bridge. Before the fall this area was a bustling suburb ripe with mills, breweries, and and tanneries. Now most of the buildings were in ruins for as far as the eye could see. Only the few blocks around 16th Street remained and only because they were been used to house abominations and monstrosities by the Factions of Steel City.

Fifteen minutes later, the wizard reached the Bridge Gate and spoke with the Gate Guardian, asking for permission to enter the city. As usual, the modron separated itself from the bridge and Tal had to identify himself by name and tribe. Another few minutes of walking brought him to the middle of the bridge where he asked the Bridge Guardian to transport him to Sector three by way of the teleportation circle. It was the quickest way to get from place to place in Steel City.

Steel City is oddly quiet for such a large city. But its belltower dos sound out the time through the day giving residents an idea of the passage of time. Tal heard the bells sound out that it was 11 bells (11am) right before he teleported into Sector 2.

Arriving, the Bridge Guardian reminded him that he could use this circle or any other to summon transport back to Mechanics Bridge. With that the modron blinked away leaving Tal in the small park at the center of the sector.

Tal knew that this time of the day was when the non-gang citizens of the zone were busy doing their jobs. Since each sector was self-supportive it was important that the citizens plant, harvest, and bake food to be sold, bartered, or traded.

Tal found a bench near a bakery called “Yun’s” and sat down. The smell of the freshly baking bread was pleasant. He spent some time watching the people watching him. He wanted to see who might be watching him as it might tell him something.

If Tal was being watched by anyone in the sector, he was unaware of it. Citizens (the non-gang denizens of the sector) moved from place to place doing their buisness. Some Steel City Gangers roved the streets in pairs acting as city guard. Everything seemed to be normal, nothing drawing his eye or out of place.

He noticed a man pass by who was wearing purple robes and a necklace that depicted three children holding hands. Tal recognized it right away as the holy symbol of Zaphiel, the saint of lost children. Heading the other way, he saw a courier in a green cloak jogging with a satchel slung on his shoulder.

Tal called out to the man in purple. “Excuse me, friend,” he said. “I seem to have lost someone. Is there a place in the city you would suggest I check?”

The man stops, glancing around, and turns to face Tal. He takes a few steps forward and smiles. “I’m sorry to hear that, stranger.” He glanced Tal over quickly. “If you have lost your way or a companion has lost their way, you may wish to check in at the nearest guard station a few blocks from here in THAT direction.” The man points to the West.

“Perhaps I will,” said Tal. “Thank you.”

The man tilted his head slightly. “Is there something can do for you otherwise?” His smile was kind. He seemed concerned about Tal.

“Perhaps … how well are the children treated here?” With The Cult here and the Council’s Factions.?”

Thinking this a very odd question, the man in purple made a questioning face. “Uh,” he said. “Better than previously, I suppose. Foundlings and orphans were sold into slavery in the past under Warlord Jank’s rule but since Burgomaster Abimelech has taken control of the city slavery has been abolished. Children still labor here, of course, as their families need the help. But they are treated like any other Citizen.” The man pauses, raising an eybrow. “You aren’t suggesting you’re here looking to buy a child slave, are you?” He ran his fingers through his hair somewhat nervously. “Slavery is legal within the Greater Northlands, of course, but not here. Not in Steel City. Not anymore.”

“Not here, anymore.” Tal repeated the words. “No, I’m not here for slaves. But I’m still getting used to the city, and you can tell things by how children are treated … and perhaps by who treats them on way or the other.”

The man shrugged at Tal. He assumed that Tal must be one of the many Southern refugees pouring into the city. Most of them were given housing and work within Zone A but a few with special talents were being offered citizenship in the different sectors.

“Alright then,” the man said. “If you really wish to know how the children are being treated in this sector then you might want to visit Rescue Mission on Hazy Street.” He pointed East. “Maybe, um, 4 or 5 blocks that way?” He glanced back at Tal. “It’s an orphanage Burgomaster Abimelech sponsors from children in this sector who are citizens but don’t have any family to call their own.”

Tal stands up and nods. “I may do that. Thank you.” With that, Tal started walking towards Kettle Black. He knew that the place would be near empty at this time of the day. It would be 6 or seven hours until gangers started pouring in thirsty and hungry. Kettle Black was what is called “a hive.” It’s a ganger bar and although citizens are welcome, they are smarter to find safer places to quench their thirst.

Tal glanced back confirming the assumption that the jogging courier was gone. He noted that the purple robed man hadn’t started on his way yet, and when Tal glanced at him the man smiled and raised a hand. “Good day, sir, and may Zaphiel guide your path.”

Tal walked a few block still watching for someone who might be watching him. Most of the ganger guards paid him very little notice. However as he got closer to Kettle Black a few of the gangers recognized him and gave him a passing “Hey” or “How’s it going?”

When he reached Kettle Black, he entered. He had been here enough times to be confortable with the tavern. The place used to be a brewery at one time and might still be. The heavy wooden double doors opened into a landing where later two thugs would be watching the door for trouble. But at this time of the day it was unmanned. He passed through the landing and descended a double-wide set of oak stairs that would lead him into the tavern itself, a good twenty feet under the surface of the sector.

The place was rather empty, as Tal expected. He and Walneak had been hanging out here a lot lately, rubbing elbows with the Steel Society soldiers. Walneak had even preformed some of his bagpipes tunes, and had been requested to preform for paid gigs whenever he might wish to do so.

Tal took a seat at one of the tables off to the side from the stairs. He noted that the bartender was a different middle-aged man with a thick ginger beard and a bald head. The only other person was a young lady sitting alone in the corner eating a plate of roasted potatoes and some kind of sliced meat.

Tal sat quietly, waiting for the evening crowd to start pouring in. With luck, he’d meet some new contacts. He might even learn something new that would give him an upper hand in the sector.


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