We have been playing D&D 5th edition on Discord using DnD Beyond since March during the Covid-19 pandemic in Pennsylvania. This is our second campaign.

Forgotten Realms, The Silver Marches, 1486

Last session our heroes rested for 10 hours within the frozen halls of Oyaviggaton, a massive floating iceberg in the Sea of Moving Ice. As they rested, Maccath the Crimson was researching texts in reference to Kalman the Cruel to come up with some way for the companions to confront and defeat him. After 10 hours of resting, the companions were visited by a rude Kobold who demanded they come see Mccath. As the Kobold departed, the companions realized that something strange was happening as thick fog started to fill in the area around them. In moments they discovered that they have been transported to a different place, a dark forest. Within a short amount of time they discovered that their spells were not working quite right and were producing random, wild effects. Most of the spellcasters felt that they were accessing the Weave of Magic on a different plane of existence. It was not long before they were engaged by Kalman the Cruel, a Night Hag, and six Hobgoblin soldiers riding Wargs. During the entire strange situation, an image of Maccath was present as she tried to communicate with the group. Fradelis was able to decipher her message: “You are in grave danger. You are on a different plane of existence. You must concentrate and focus, willing yourselves back to Oyaviggaton.”

Luna and Fradelis are hiding within a minor illusion of a bush surrounded by a globe of darkness. They are surrounded by the six Hobgoblins riding Wargs. About twenty-five feet away into the woods, Eanrin (in the wild shape of a tiger) is fighting with the Hag (who is also in the shape of a tiger.) Rain has been polymorphed into a potted plant then shoved inside the bag that the Hag carries with her. And above it all, about fifty feet in the air, Kalman the Cruel hovers in the form of a buzzing swarm of insects.

And that’s where this session begins …

Kalman the Cruel

Kalman watched from his position in the air some fifty feet above and grinned with satisfaction. His plan was working. He had been informed of these Elves from two sources: his commander, Tulek, had reported that three priests of Nomog-Geaya had been discovered at the entrance to the Ironhand mines near the old temple of Dumathoin. Tulek surmised that a small group of the woodcutters had chased the priests back to that location and killed them before the priests could enter the temple. Second, Mohan had used a seeing stone to telegraph images of the Elves from his lair. Kalman wanted to test these Elves and see if they were a true threat.

The Hag had done her job well, using her abilities to locate the Elves within the lair of the Old White Death, Arauthator the white dragon. This notion annoyed him, knowing that either the dragon’s spawn or mate were trying to use these Elves to free Arauthator from Kalman’s service.

“No matter,” thought Kalman aloud. “As long as the White Wyrmspeaker mask remains in my possession then Old White Death must obey me.”

He grasped the Nightmare Staff firmly in his left hand as he watched the scene unfold below. He had used the ancient artifact to pull the Elves into a pocket dimension of his creation, a nightmare realm of dreams where he could test their abilities. His recent visit to Gravenhollow had been quite successful. The Keepers were more than willing to trade the staff in exchange for dark secrets about The Twisted Rune. What did he care if they learned of the cabal? Soon all of the Silver Marches would learn of the cabal when they were crushed under his fist.

Kalman noted that the Ranger had a magical gem that could not only impart injury but also blind those caught within the beam. Luckily he did not have to worry about this because the Nightmare Staff protected him from many things including being blinded. The gem could be a useful tool on the battlefield, and Kalman decided that once he murdered the Ranger he would take the gem as his own.

He gazed down and saw that his six cavalry soldiers were surrounding a globe of darkness that no doubt the Half-Drow had summoned using her Drow magic. He was fairly certain that the Fighter had taken refuge in the globe as well. Neither seemed of great threat at this point, although Kalman did sense that the Half-Drow was a Hexblade and that she had an aura of power around her that suggested a great power watched over her. Whatever patron the Half-Drow had sold her soul to must favor her greatly, and Kalman would need to remember that in the coming days. He had been told of the coming of the Chosen, and perhaps she was one of them.

He watched as the Hag and Eanrin took the shape of tigers. He was amused by this, knowing that the Hag was toying with the Half-Elf. They clashed, trading blows. The Hag-tiger bit into Eanrin’s shoulder and shook violently. Eanrin fell back, disengaging from the conflict, and ran towards the position of the globe of darkness. Eanrin intended to join back up with Luna and Fradelis. Kalman noticed that the Hag-tiger gave chase as it licked his bloody maw.

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On the ground inside of the illusionary bush created by Rain and surrounded by the Globe of Darkness, Fradelis cast Blade Ward on herself. s she did, she felt the Weave of Magic around her backlash as it summoned five Flumph into the skies eighty feet above her.

The Flumph were frightened, sensing the evil nature of this strange pocket dimension. They swarmed in circles, frightened and worried for their lives.

Kalman looked into the sky, seeing the frightened Flumph darting around some thirty feet above him. He shook his head, amazed at the strange things that can come of Wild Magic.

Meanwhile, Rain on the Night Wind had been polymorphed into a potted plant as a result of Wild Magic backlashing upon him. He tried to move but was unable. He could not speak either. “I feel unsettled,” he thought to himself. “Even if I have put down roots.”

Eanrin darted towards the Globe of Darkness but saw that it was surrounded by Hobgoblins riding Worgs. He changed direction to round the globe of darkness but still put some distance between himself and the Hag.

As Eanrin circled the globe of darkness to put distance between him and the Hag, he noticed at least two of the Hobgoblins take note of him. One points, and another nods. Both draw out their longbows, notching arrows.

Meanwhile, Rain started to realize that he was in grave danger. He had been turned into a potted plant due to backlashing Wild Magic. As the Hag shoved the potted plant into the bag, the magic within destroyed the plant.

As the plant died, its clay pot broke. Rain transformed back into an Elf. He found himself in a dark place, only darkness all around. He instinctively knows that he must use a force of willpower to force himself out of the bag, and break free or die here … and as he closed his eyes he felt himself being expelled from the extradimensional space.

He opened his eyes to find himself back in the frozen cave at Oyaviggaton. He saw that his companions were all laying prone on the floor unconscious or asleep. Mccath the Crimson was there as well in the process of casting a complicated spell, chanting the words in Infernal, her native tongue.

Rain stood up. “What sort of mushrooms were in that meal?!” He moved over to Luna and took out a flask of water. “Wake up!” He poured the water on Luna’s face as he shouted at her.

Luna did not wake up.

Rain paniced a little, becoming perplexed.

Back in the Nightmare plane, Kalman hovered fifty feet above in the form of a swarm of buzzing insects. He watched as Luna stepped out of the Globe of Darkness and came faced to face with one of the cavalry soldiers. The worg growled fiercely, licking its lips. The Hobgoblin tightened his legs against the flanks of the Word, raising his shield and spear for combat.

Two flicks of Luna’s rapier sliced open the Worg’s throat, splashing her with a spray of blood. The oversized wolf howled a death-rattle, falling dead at the Half-Elf’s feet. The surprised rider tried to recover, but a third slice of the rapier put an end to him as well. The rider slumped over dead upon the heap that was his dead mount.

“That’s why you don’t mess with us!” shouted Luna as she ran into the woods towards where she remembered Eanrin and Rain had gone earlier.

Kalman nodded in appreciation of the Half-Elf’s skill in swordplay. “This one,” he commented aloud. “She will make a fine wraith warrior when I raise her from the dead.”

Two of the Hobgoblins saw Luna race deeper into the woods and spurred their mounts to chase. They fired their crossbows, missing with one shot bu hitting Luna in the back with the other. The Half-Elf moaned in pain but continued to run.

Two of the other Hobgoblins fired their longbows into the globe of darkness hoping to hit Fradelis. One arrow grazed her arm, drawing a little blood and causing her to flinch in pain and surprise.

The remaining Hobgoblin narrow his eyes at the tiger, assuming it was some sort of beast summoned by these filthy Elves. He drew back his bow and unleashed an arrow that struck the tiger in its haunch. The Eanrin-tiger hissed in pain but kept moving.

Kalman saw that the Hag was still in the form of a tiger. She bounded at Luna, pouncing into the air in an attempt to knock her to the ground. Luna dodged, side-stepping just enough to allow the tiger to pass by her in the air and land behind. The Half-Elf didn’t stop and just kept running deeper into the woods.

As time passed, the companions realized that their only hope was to wake themselves up from this Dreamland. Rain watched as Fradelis and Eanrin both regained consciousness, but Luna did not. As a team they tried to wake her by shaking her, putting insect repellant under her nose, waving garlic in her face, slapping her, and even flicking her in the nose. Nothing seemed to work for several minutes.

Back within the Nightmare Realm, Luna continued to run into the woods. The Hag cast Magic Missile at her twice, the energy exploding painfully on her spine as she continued to run. She breathed a slight sigh of relief when she saw the Hobgoblins and the Hag gave up their chase, but then she heard the sound of buzzing insects coming from above.

Luna tried the last time to will herself back to the ice cave. She closed her eyes and concentrated but nothing happened. Then she heard Kalman’s voice chanting and then she could not move. Kalman’s Hold Person spell paralyzed her, holding her in place. She could not move. She could not speak. She was trapped. She could only watch as she fell prone to the ground.

Back in Oyaviggaton, Fradelis pinched Luna’s arm. “Stop fighting and get back here!”

Kalman was still in the form of a swarm of buzzing insects. He hovered over Luna, considering what he would do next. Slay her outright? Steal her soul? Cast her out to a different plane of existence? He sneered, considering the possibilities in his mind.

Finally, though, Luna found the willpower to concentrate. She opened her eyes and realized she was laying on the frozen floor of the ice cave. The others were gathered around her. She was wet from Rain pouring water on her, and she was sore not only from the attempts to wake her but also from the wounds she recieved while in the the Dreamlands.

For a moment they were silent. Mccath the Crimson was still chanting the words of whatever spell she was casting. Clearly the ritual was complicated. She had been chanting for nearly six times as long s a usual spell took to cast.

“So what just happened?” asked Rain.

Fradelis was watching Mccath when Luna spoke up: “So do we know that this spell she’s casting is intended to help us or hurt us?” Luna paused. “Did she have anything to do with us being sent into that place?” Fradelis muttered a prayer to The Mistress under her breath.

Eanrin watched Mccath, but spoke to Rain with a slight glance. “”What happened to you, anyway? I was trying to track you, and all of a sudden your scent disappeared.”

“Chaos.” explained Rain on the Night Wind. “I was teleported toward the hag and Calmine. I think I was a vegetable briefly. I managed to blind Calmine as he turned into a swarm of bugs.” He paused for a moment. “Oh, I’ve got a spell for him. My spells didn’t work right there. Anyhow, I find myself in a place of darkness trying to eat my soul so I had to find the will to break free of it, and I woke up.”

Mccath finished the Magic Circle spell and sighed heavily. She looks around and accepted a cup of water offered by Eanrin thankfully. “You all made it back. Thank Mystra.” A cylinder of protective magic filled the room, ceiling to floor. Glittering runes appear wherever the cylinder intersects with the floor or other surface.

Photo by Dana Tentis on

Rain looked to the Tiefling woman. “Thank you for your assistance Mccath.”

“You are welcome of course. The fact that Kalman was able to do this is remarkable. He is more powerful than I expected.”

Luna spoke up: “I was just getting to fight him when I woke up” She made no mention of the spell that had incapacitated her and left her helpless at Kalman’s mercy.

“Ya, it will be a tough battle against him. We need a plan, and to find out where is phylactery is.” Rain nodded. “Of course if we can free White Death, then that might help a lot.”

Fradelis added: “The Phylactery is going to be our best bet to defeat him versus us just attacking him out right.”

“This magical circle will protect you while you remain in it,” explained Mccath. “I have completed my studies and I have some suggestions for you. I consulted the Wizards Three for council.” She sighed. “My understanding is that you wish to find and destroy Kalman’s phylactery. To do this, you will need the assistance of either a powerful artifact or a powerful being.”

Mccath explained to the companions that she narrowed her possibilities to five options:

The first being Gravenhollow, a fabled library within the Underdark that holds artifacts and secrets, including a Seeing Stone that can be used to peer through time and space. The library is hard to find and the trip will arduous. Traveling in the Underdark is no easy task. But she said that she has a few contacts that may make the expedition easier assuming that you are able to come to an agreement with them.

The second was the Tower of Illusion, sometimes called the Castle of Illusion. Either way, the master of the place is called MacBec Maclyon, a gnome of great power. She explained that it was located near the eastern side of the Fell Pass in the Frost Hills, north-east of Mithral Hall. She suggestion was that MacBec, being a powerful wizard, might be swayed to assist the group against Kalman.

Next was Night Trees Forest. Here they could seek out the Tree Soaker, a mad druid that defended the small groves of trees from intruders. He was called the Tree Soaker because he would bind his enemies to the trees and cut their throats, soaking the roots with blood. In the northern area of the forest stood a mysterious square tower covered by vines. If they could make it to the tower, they might be able to reason with the druid and gain his help.

And lastly, Maccath suggested that they could return to Silverymoon and report back to High Mage Taern Hornblade who originally sent them on the expedition with the woodcutters. Taern being another powerful archmage, he would probably be able to assist. Plus, they could report back to him what they had experience thus far.

As an afterthought, Maccath glanced at Luna and said, “Also, your companion reported that the Dwarven temple attached to the Ironhand mines was heavily guarded. You could return there and make sure that this isn’t the location of his phylactery.”

Luna handed Mccath the Hobgoblin priest’s map. “Could I ask you to mark on my map if any of these placed are located?”

Mccath nodded, conjuring a quill to make several places on the map. She explained each one in turn to Luna. (1) The Ironhand Mine and Dwarf temple your group explored. (2) The entrance to Ironhand Mine thought to be occupied by Kalman and his forces. (3) Home of the Blue Bear Clan (4) The logging home base (5) Night Trees Forest. She smiled. “The Tower of Illusion is not on the map and is to the Northwest near Mithral Hall. Your current location is the Sea of Moving Ice in the direct North of the map.” She handed the map back to Luna with a smile.

“So,” said Rain, glancing to Mccath. “Which place can tell us where the phylactery is and maybe tell us where the mask is. The library sounds like it has allot of good answers, but if it is far away, maybe it is better to go to the Tower of Illusion or the Night Tree Forest so we can try two.” He paused, saying more to himself than Maccath: “I think MacBec could use a Bard.”

“That’s the idea, my friend Ranger,” Maccath said with a longsuffering smile. “I am giving you the possible options of places to seek more information about the phylactery and even the mask. All of these locations include either artifacts or powerful people who could assist you in your quest. I’m not saying they are the only option before you, but they are the best that I can offer you.” She was obviously tired, having spent the last ten hours researching nonstop for them. It was clear she could use a catnap, if not a long sleep.

“Are any of those options in the same direction as another? ” Eanrin was glancing at the map at best he could as Luna studied it.

Mccath gestured to the map. “I have marked the locations clearly. None of them are directly near each other but depending on your method of travel you might be able to create some kind of path that would allow you to consolidate your efforts.”

Rain nodded. “Ah, ok. These folks might be able to know more than I thought they might.”

Mccath says with a shrug. “Your people in the Moonlands may be planning something else to combat Kalman but you haven’t been in touch with them have you?”

“We have not,” said Eanrin. “But once we return to a warmer environment I can attempt to send a message.”

“Sounds like a good idea,” remarked Rain. “‘I vote for the gnome.”

They continued to debate, the group changing their mind several times until finally they decided to travel to the Underdark in search of Gravenhollow.

“Gravenhollow is an interesting choice. I will need an hour to summon up my contacts and make them aware of what is needed.”

“I believe the library seems like it would be the best option,” said Eanrin. “Usually I would love to meet a fellow druid, but The Tree Soaker doesn’t sound like the sort of druid that I would like to know.”

“He sounds fierce!” Rain gestured broadly. “But I’m not sure he would be the type to help us out of the kindness of his heart.”

The companions considered their options and decided to spend the next hour taking a short rest. Mccath excused herself, explaining that the Magic Circle would remain for about thirty more minutes. She told them to take their time and join her in her study when they were prepared to continue with their quest.

Saga of the Twisted Rune, 1486


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