Light of Xaryxis 1:1

The adventurers were hired by Halla, a Cacuzzo Mafia Princess, to steal a cache of healing potions from Eldagast, a nearby village. They found the village abandoned, and would later discover that Princess Xendalli contacted them and they fled to the Feywild using a magical portal opened by the village Star Priest. They found a star chart of the Athas galaxy, one depicting it without a planetary alignment and the other with a planetary alignment. They also found an idol of Corellon Larethian, god of the Elves,  depicted as an Astral Elf pointing to the heavens. They trapped a gang of Markano thugs in a warehouse, killed them, and returned successfully with the Healing Potions for Halla. While in the village, Zin looted two Ancient Elven Longswords from one of the homes. The adventurers could hear the sound of rushing water, but were unable to determine its source. Nirvana was the closest to solving the puzzle, but did not pursue it enough. The Elven Village has a bound Water Elemental that protects the city and lends its innate energy to maintain the magical effects on the structures that prevent them from age and damage. The sound of water was the Elemental attempting to communicate in Aquan.  

The following is a list of goods gathered mainly from the Larder Warehouse.

Trade Goods Pilfered

2 sacks of brewing grains, 2 kegs of Elven Mead, 1 draft horse, 1 wagon (Markano markings), 2 one pound bags wheat, 10 one pound bags flour, 4 one pound cakes of salt, 3 one pound boxes of fresh ginger, 5 one pound casks of pepper, 5 one pound casks of cinnamon, 2 one pound bag of cloves, 3 medium crates of salted fish, 6 medium crates of dried fruits, 4 one pound bags of walnuts, 1 large crate containing 36 days rations, 6 one pound sacks of dried vegetables, 5 jars of honey, 17 loaves of bread, 16 hardtack sailor biscuits, nine wheels (hunks) of cheese, 12 bottles of fine Elven wine, 7 Large Bags of Mixed Cooking Seasonings and Spices, 1 set Alchemist supplies, 1 set Brewer’s supplies, 1 set Cook’s utensils, and 2 vials of Holy Water. Additionally, gathering all money within the structures comes to a total of 200 gold. Lastly, a small envelope containing a bill of sale dated for last month from the Mining Guild for a diamond worth 5000 gold.

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  1. Pingback: Light of Xaryxis 1:3 – Children of the Ampersand


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