Light of Xaryxis 1:5

Last session, in Spelljammer part 5, the party boarded Captain Solomon Neegan’s ship “The Lucille.” They were introduced to the eclectic crew, assigned cabins, and waited for all the other ships to set sail. Afterwards, they prepped to head for Phandalin on New Toril when the Helmsman called out that the Halfing ship “The Unexpected Party” was hailing them in distress. They had 300 survivors from Rockholm aboard but were being besieged by Astral Blights.
Solomon told the Heroes of Athas to make a call whether to assist Captain Onyx and the Unexpected Party. They opted to help, and so The Lucille turned broadsides to board the Halfling ship.
The heroes defeated the Astral Blights and only one Halfling crewman was killed. With the ship and 300 survivors now safe, Captain Onyx agreed to take them for refuge to New Toril. Soon, the Halfling ship soared off into the Astral Sea.
Captain Solomon called for the Helmsman head for New Toril. The ship shot out into the Astral Sea momentarily, but slowed as something began to approach the ship. It was a dragon!
The dragon introduced itself, explaining that it was a Time Dragon. It placed a chest on the deck. It explained that Time Dragons exist in all time and space at once, so it had met them in the future and it was “happy to meet them again for the first time!” The box, the dragon explained, was sent to them from “future them” because when they explored Doomspace (in the future) something terrible occured and half of them were killed. The dragon delivered the box as a fulfillment of a boon, as their future selves had saved it and its wyrmlings.
The heroes found magic items in the box. These items will help them in their endeavors until later when apparently they will need to send the box back with the dragon … again. Oddly though, whenever they interacted with the items from the future, the Warforged Druid noticed that the others would flicker and “glitch” momentarily, possibly due to bending and altering the timeline through the intervention of the Time Dragon.
Using a Sigil Mimir included in the box, they discovered bits of information. One interesting tidbit was that in the future they were unaware (until it was too late) that Fel Arda made a deal with Neogi Traders to sell the survivors rather than transporting them to Phandalin.
Armed with this information, they decided to intervene and attack Fel Arda’s ship,the Second Wind.
They strategized with a powerful wizard in Neegan’s crew named Morris. Morris has knowledge of The Second Wind having served temporarily on it when it was still under the ownership of Commander Krux, a Giff Pirate.
The heroes devised a plan to teleport on to the Second Wind, neutralize Fel Arda, and rescue the survivors before they are sold into slavery.


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